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God is working


“Thank God for the small things, Thank God for the Tiniest of Blessings.”

We may not always see it manifesting but rest assured God is working.

It is easy to jump from Hopeful to hopeless, it is easy to talk ourselves into defeat. It is easy to give into those thought's where all seems lost and we feel forgotten.

You can talk yourself into defeat or walk yourself into a Blessing.

But first, you must move, you must put in the little work you can and then be willing to surrender it to God's plan for your life. You cannot be successful at everything but there is something  that only you can do, a challenge only you can rise up to, a boulder which only you can roll, a lake which only you can swim across.

Circumstances change and so do people but God's Word is a firm foundation.

Many of us are waiting, but you can go from "Waiting on it to Walking in it" in a few minutes, but while we wait we pray, we endure, we hope, we seek, we plead, we ask for divine intervention, we ask for provision.

At times the barn is empty and we are left waiting, we've been standing like the others all day yet as they walk away with bags full of blessings, we are left waiting for the miracle to appear.

But while we are waiting let us thank God for the little that we do have, let us thank Him for the people we have in our lives, let us thank Him for the first smile we see and for the first insult we hear, let us thank Him not only for the joy but also for the sorrows, let us thank Him not only for the Healing but also for the pain, let us thank Him not only for the Kindness shown to us by others but also for the hate shown to us, let us thank Him for the little we have because the barn maybe empty but God is making a provision for you.

He is going to take all your pain all your sadness all your doubts all your troubles and cast them into the pit, He is going to take that hate and bitterness shown to you and use it for His Glory. He will take that feeling less than and transform it into a feeling that says I am more that enough, I am more than what society says I am, I am more than the titles and the opinions, I am more than the world would have me believe.

Sometimes it is never easy, but with God it's never too hard to achieve the impossible.



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