That is a question we must ask ourselves.
There are people who support us, there are those who we support and then there are those who we support but none of them are to be found when we need their support the most.
We call these People friends, family, colleagues, lovers etc. But no matter what you call them, we must ask ourselves how many of them contribute to our growth.
We must ask ourselves, How many of them would pull us up if we fell down.
So, Have You surrounded yourself with people who help Lift You Up or People who Pull You Down?
Acts 3:6–7, NIV "Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong."
Do the people you call friends support your growth.
Do the people you believe in also believe in you. At times we support friends, family and loved ones but when we have a dream, a goal or a vision, there aren't many people who believe and support us.
You need to surround yourself with people who pull you up.
When you’re hurting, when you're sad, when fear or doubt creep up on you, in those moments each and everyone of us need a person like Peter who reaches down and is willing to help Lift Us Up.
When you can’t stand up on your own, you don’t need people to feel sorry for you, You need people who look at you and say "No problem, let's do it together, Let's try that again." You need people who wish to see you standing up instead of giving up.
If you want to grow, you need to let go so get away from those negative environments and from people who keep holding you back. Get away from people with a negative attitude and a negative mindset.
Get away from people who tell you that where you are is where you’ll always be. Get away from people who want you to believe in them but when it's your turn they aren't willing to believe in you.
Get away from people who aren't willing to lift you up and from people who like you as you were but aren't willing to embrace the person you want to become.
Life is change, Life is progress and as long as you're alive you need to grow and keep push forward. You have a purpose and the people who help you fulfill it are the ones you need to hold onto.
Have a wonderful day.
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